Notice of Death Forms
& Instructions
1) Detachment Chaplain/Pound Dog Trainer fills out the form then sends a copy to the Department Chaplain/Pack Dog Trainer retaining a copy for detachment/Pound records.
2) Department Chaplain/Pack Dog Trainer sends a copy to the Marine Corps League National Headquarters/Kennel and National Chaplain/Kennel Dog Trainer retaining a copy for Department/Pack records.
3) Detachment Paymaster/Pound Dog Robber must attach this form when submitting a Notice of Death via Transmittal.
Funding Request Form
Please complete the attached form and submit it to the Department Adjutant in lieu of making a motion or request from the floor of a convention or conference. Any motion from the floor or request for funds that have not followed the new procedure will be tabled indefinitely until the proper procedures are followed. We would ask your support in this matter. We are committed as an organization to charitable giving that supports our National, Department and Detachments charters. Please help us with this process.
It's not hard, the hosting detachment just needs six to ten committed workers. Members from many Arizona detachments that have previously hosted will give you information, please contact them. The Department and all Arizona Detachments are a TEAM, so please, lets work together.
Remember this is your department, make it the best.
Joe Uribe, Commandant
Department of Arizona