For More Information Please Contact:
Steve Collins
Donald Stephens
Steve Hintz
We meet the LAST Monday of every month at 1900 Hours
Las Palomas Retirement Center
9050 East Brown Rd., Mesa, AZ 85207
Who we are
We are volunteer veterans as well as active duty members of the
U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Navy Fleet Marine Force Corpsmen
and Chaplains, who serve and have served honorably.
We are a band of Brothers and Sisters now serving together in the Marine Corps League.
Marine Corps League Saguaro Detachment 554 of Mesa AZ, sends care packages to our troops overseas in combat areas. Our efforts are not limited to any one branch of the military. We send twenty-four 17 pound boxes, filled with essentials not avaliable to them out in the field. If you have a son/daughter/relative or friend serving in a combat situation please visit our Facebook Page at MCL Saguaro 554 Mesa AZ | Facebook there you will find the contacts to send the address to. Once the address is received packages will be sent and arrive in approximaetly 10 days after the boxes are filled and shipped.
Semper Fi